Collaborative Teaching

Collaborative Teaching Resources

teacher toolbox

The Teacher Toolbox: Padlet of Practices and Strategies for Collaborative Teaching
Click on the link below or scan the QR code to access the Padlet of resources.

QR Code for CT
Collaborative Teaching Online Tips

Collaborative Teaching Virtual Instruction Tips
With shifts to virtual instruction, teachers in collaborative partnerships will likely encounter challenges in providing co-teaching or support facilitation models to students with disabilities. This Tip Sheet provides a framework to assist teachers in making adjustments to their instruction to continue collaborative efforts.

Collaborative Teaching Partnerships Course Flyer

Collaborative Teaching Approaches Overview

Below are videos of collaborative teaching structures.

Collaborate text over image of two people talking

Click here to see short videos about how to use the collaborative teaching approaches

Collaborate text over image of two people talking

Click here to see short videos about how to use the collaborative teaching approaches in Spanish.

Collaborate text over image of two people talking

Click here to see short videos about how to use the collaborative teaching approaches in Haitian-Creole.

Video Strategies

Below are videos of strategies to use in Microsoft Teams, Google and Zoom platforms.


Click here to see short videos about how to use the collaborative approaches in Microsoft Teams.


Click here to see short videos about how to use the collaborative approaches in Zoom.


Click here to see short videos about how to use the collaborative approaches in Google.

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