Peers as Partners in Learning

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What is Peers as Partners in Learning?

The PPL program provides reciprocal academic, social, and interpersonal benefits to students with and without disabilities across the school campus. The Peers as Partners in Learning (PPL) program begins with students applying to enroll in the Peers as Partners in Learning courses. The High School (#1400340) and Middle School (#1400025) are found on CPALMS. These elective courses are designed to provide peer supports for students with disabilities. Students with and without disabilities who are partners in the PPL course comprise the PPL program at their specific school.

FIN has developed the Peers as Partners in Learning Curriculum and Planning Guide to help schools, administrators and teacher teams launch and support a PPL program at their schools. If you would like support from a FIN facilitator for a new or existing program, please provide your contact information and indicate the type of support needed in the Peers as Partners in Learning support request form.

In order to bring these benefits to your school, view the “Getting Started with PPL” video below . For more information please contact your local FIN Facilitator.

I hope to gain solid friendship through this course. I am wanting to be a speech pathologist so this is a class I am wanting to take. This class is going to help with my future.

I’m hoping to gain a better understanding of human communication to develop a more dynamic approach in leadership as opposed to a linear perspective of interactions.

I hope to gain a friend. Many students with disabilities are treated as if insignificant; if I can help someone feel special, that for me is a gain.

Peers as Partners in Learning Resources

Click on the link below to access the resource

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