Transcripts – Scheduling

Instructional Leader Perspective-Scheduling

[ Florida Inclusion Network logo pops up. ]

Speaker 1:

[ Scenes of young adults working together. ] Welcome to the Florida Inclusion Networks video series. This video will highlight the significant impact of implementing [ Displays a template titled “Scheduling Supports for Students with Disabilities.” ] scheduling process to support students with disabilities in the least restrictive environment. [ Displays a new template titled “Scheduling Supports: Steps at-a-Glance.” ]  This process is facilitated by the [ Displays the Florida Inclusion Network Website Home Page, ] Florida Inclusion Network. Ms. Lisa Lyon, [ Transition to the inside of a classroom, Lisa Lyon is staring at the camera.] an Assistant Principal at Sarasota Middle and Sarasota County School District in Florida, will share their school experience with collaborating with the Florida Inclusion Network to create a school-wide master schedule.

Lisa Lyon:

[ A pop up appears on the bottom left of the screen, The text reads, “Lisa Lyon, Assistant Principal, Sarasota Middle.” ] Three years we’ve worked with the Florida Inclusion Network in creating and developing our master schedule. We analyze the needs of our students based on their individual educational plan, and we match up their needs to the resources that we have here on campus. Every year our students change, and every year our resources change. So it allows us to make sure that our students are getting what they need and we’re maximizing the resources that we have. We work together as administrators, teachers, case managers, support staff with the FIN Network to make sure our kids are getting what they need.

[ Transitions to a black ground. White text pop-ups onto the screen. ]

Speaker 1:

[ Reading from the screen. ] A special thanks to Sarasota County School District, Sarasota Middle, Jennifer Nzeza, Principal, and Lisa Lyon, Assistant Principal. A special thanks to the Florida Department of Education, Bureau of Exceptional Education and Student Services, through Federal Assistance under the Individuals with [ Transition to a white screen. The Florida Inclusion Network logo pops up. ] Disabilities Education Act, Part B.


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